The Letter T

We started with a letter T memory game. I let the kids look at each things on the tray and name them. Some were tricky, like telephone instead of just phone, or teddy bear. Then I had them close their eyes and I removed one thing and they had to see which thing I removed. I let them each take a turn. 

We made trains out of half an egg carton and an empty toilet paper tube. I let the kids use bingo dobbers (from the $ store) to decorate them. 

 My little guy was so proud of his train. Trains are his favorite thing!

For part of our snack with made letter T's out of mini carrots. 

And of course we danced on our letter t on the floor. We tiptoed, pretended to be trains, tigers, and more. 
And sang one of my favorite songs that I learned so many many years ago in the first grade,

Tiny Tim the Turtle

I had a little turtle, his name was Tiny Tim

I put him in the bathtub, to see if he could swim
He drank up all the water, he ate up all the soap
and now he's sick in bed with a bubble in his throat (hiccup) 
